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Old 08-07-2004, 11:30 AM   #24
baddog should edit this
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
I didn't know that! Well guess what, we found a chink the the Boardtracker armour!
hardly what I would consider a chink . . . I doubt his servers could handle the load of monitoring every post made on every thread . . . . I am pretty sure I would probably burned out going thru all the subsequent emails it would generate

For those that don't use BT, if you are a designer, host, content provider, sales rep, or anything else that provides goods and services to adult webmasters, you are missing the boat. Trust me, when I first heard about it, I had no intention of using it, now, when it has a glitch and I don't get my hourly notice, I am immediately reporting the problem to Ron. I need my BT. Besides, it is free.

For anyone that wants to try it out, feel free to use my referral link
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