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Thread: Am I?
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Old 08-13-2004, 11:04 PM   #6
Don Soporno
Don Soporno should edit this
Get your Blog STOMPED!!
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Originally posted by Panky

Geez! The thanks I get for giving you a big hug when you were having a bad day dealing with a difficult Canadian. The thanks I get for supporting you in some of your threads because you were right and/or simply because you aren't afraid to speak your mind. I'll tell you what. It just doesn't pay to be nice and supportive of some people.

Face it Don. You love me and my pink text. (Indigo on some of the other boards)

Now to actually answer your question... NO you are not an instigator, trouble maker, shit disturber, or a bully. You are just a lovable teddy bear.

lololol... your right, I do love your pink....text...

and how dare you call me a lovable teddy bear...

you do know the whole point of this thread was to start shit with you...
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