Don't worry Bubbly, Facial Freak is assuming that everyone knows Quebec's lingo, or just want to look chic.
Tabarnak is french slang for tabernacle, a Quebec curse word (as you probably know, french canadian don't curse with sex-related words but with religion-related words)
Tempo is a brand of temporary car shelter that lots of people like to put over their driveways during the winter here to cut down on the car clean-up in the morning (snow, freezing rain, etc).
Either Facial Freak lived in Quebec (these are unknown in Toronto), or he wants to word-drop the for chic effect....
And no, it was not in a Tempo, it was under some sort of tent (like circus tent), for on that day, 50 mm (2") of rain fell. The lawn was a swamp but we had a great party anyway.
It was a party organised by a motorcycle club. 20 of the expected 125 people dediced to ride anyway, under a deluge, against solid walls of rain. Then everyone went to the party, wet as wet can be, and we all had a fantastic time!