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Old 08-22-2004, 07:56 PM   #4
Adult Site Traffic
Adult Site Traffic should edit this
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Originally posted by alister
So I have no idea what this guy is talking about when he says: http://www.yourstats.net .
Is that another lie Robert?
Originally posted by alister
That link you talk about http://www.yourstats.net/resnewuser.php?adsid=davmon is the base account. Any account created with that link follows what i defined on it. Like pricing and stuff. I sell my traffic. Nobody else's.
Reference thread
Isn't that the thread where you were trying to tell me that YOU were the same Rob who owns Real-Easy-Traffic ? LOL That this IS your site?

Here's another great CLASSIC straight from YOUR SCAMMING lying mouth!
Reference thread
Originally posted by alister
Im pretty new in buying traffic but i bought the 5,000 hits deal from e-webtraffic.com and got a 1:120 return... is that good? Can I do better? Thanks for your input.
But YOU don't own yoursats.net OR real-easy-traffic.com do you ? You're not REALLY a scamming lying little cheating fuck who posts thing like "Ok, I am a reseller, leave me alone", or "Hi, my name is Alister and I bought traffic from e-webtraffic and got 1:120 is that good?"

So you bought yourself a copy of Enterprise traffic server and you think this makes you a producer and now you've never heard of Rob's reseller panel that you already said you were reselling through? I'm glad you don't know all the traffic eating holes in that script which I paid 3 russian programmers 50 hours of labor to fix

You can't keep your lies straight, and you're just too dumb to know that week after week you're copy-pasting links that don't work

Go ahead and don't waste you time responging to my "games". I'll bury your cheating lying scamming ass as deep as humanly possible

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