Originally posted by the New Shemp
traditionally that means no pops on the gallery. However, some TGPs may mean no pops on the tour that the gallery points to.
some tours have a lot of pops and consoles on the tours..even if you do get listed, you might not be too highup on the page
contact the tgp directly...
your following me now and I demand that you stop it....;-)
Just a little suggestion on how to work those rules into your favor. Link your gallery to an FPA the you are hosting, then the gallery doesnt link to a page with popups the FPA does. Now keep in mind your still sending the SURFER to popup hell and you gotta ask yourself this, is that slight extra chance of a sale on the pop up which you may not even get credit for worth maybe driving the surfer away.
Just my way of looking at things. The paysite we have up now is pop up free and all the ones to come will be also with the exception of one small pop which will be an exit pop from the join page only if they dont join (not sure how I am gonna make it do that just yet) and it will advertise our other sites and the Affiliate WILL get credit for it.
Did'nt try and jump on your thread, just thought it might be a good place to ask if this is a way of using pops that might attract more webmasters that prefer no popups.