Originally posted by monaro
Q: what does no-popups mean to you?
A: less opportunity to catch a surfers interest for that split second it is blurred infont of them. you have their eyes looking straight at it. good or bad they do have a large in pack on both surfers and wms. Tho put to the correct use the blur can generate that extra sale for both you and your sponsor.
I actually agree with you to a point.
Give the surfer 1 popup at the appropiate time or maybe even two.
But if you send them to popup hell they're just gonna get pissed off trying to close all the popups and end up just closing the browser right down and you lose a sale anyway because none of the windows are open anymore.
I've been to marketing sites where the popups are done in such a beautiful way that they actually did grab my attention and made me click them.
The main thing is it wasn't popup hell.