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Old 08-24-2004, 01:41 PM   #45
B O B is I got teen babes!
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Well, where to start, basically I handle questions concerning AJ, AOL, ASP, AV, B2B, B2C, CPA, CPC, CPS, CTR, DH, FFA, HB, IM, INK, LS, MSN, NL, NSI, PFI, PFP, PPC, PPCSE, PPPL, PPS, PV, RON, ROS, SEO, SEP, UV, and WWW issues.

I field a couple dozen phone calls a day, a few hundred ICQ’s, and about a thousand emails. Not to mention the 25 newbie’s I chat with each and every day.

I post on four primary boards, boards which I feel have some cool peeps, friends, or are great resources including XNations, YNOT, Pimpboard and JBM.

I also do the sales, so all the advertising metrics are my department…such as the above mentioned CT, CTR, CR, CPA’s, CPM’s and CPC’s, PPC< PPCSE< PPS< . As well as all the CAC, HITS, IR, HM, PV, and Site Stickiness issues.

I manage over 450 ad campaigns daily and make sure the proper ads are with the proper campaigns and contracts.

The Webmaster ads themselves: banner ads, beyond the banner, button ads, HTML banner, interstitial, pop-up, pop under, rectangle, rich media, skyscraper, text, surround session, or vertical banner, are all under my supervision as well.

There is a definite online advertising plan including, the advertising network, caching, frequency caps, house ads, keyword marketing, rate card upgrades, rep firms and relations, RON’s, ROS’s, self-serve, sponsorship and underdelivary.

As for our affiliates on our sites, I oversee this department as well…including but not limited to: affiliate directory, affiliate forum, affiliate fraud, affiliate marketing, affiliate merchants, affiliate network, affiliate software, exclusivity agreements, payment thresholds, return days, super affiliates and two tier affiliates.

We have a software department which runs some big programs on the Net, including TS, MailCluster, and AdCluster. I oversee the relationships here.

As for business and e business: application service provider, the above B2B and B2C, disintermediation, guerilla marketing, free, first-mover advantage, interactive agency, markeging and business plans, and the network effect.

I moderate our chat boards, forums, and maintain a certain standard of netiquette at YNOTMasters.

I have to oversee our linking campaigns and strategies: ink checker, deep linking, inbound links, outbound links, and reciprocal links in our extensive Service Directory among other places…

These are just a few of my favorite things, but I would have to put the topper at co-hosting the HumpDay lunch show with LAJ…tomorrow we have Teagan Presley on, and she is as hot as they come! Not to mention bringing 100 Webmasters to a third world country twice a year.
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Contact me today for anything you need!
ICQ: 184807
Skype: bobbyrica
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