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Old 08-26-2004, 03:28 PM   #1
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Default RainMaker Radio Tonite: 7pmEST: SleazyDream State of the Union Address

Please join us this evening for RainMaker at: http://YNOTRADIO.COM at 7pmEST!

Tonight we welcome SleazyDream who will be spending the greater part of the hour talking about the Adult Industry, where we are now and where we have come from and some insight on where we will be going. He is a highly respected member of our community and we are honored to have him on the show.

Sweetums will be joining us. She is the newest member to join the team of Lightspeed. She is an expert regarding traffic and traffic managment; the need to diversify your sources, to test new marketing options, and the importance of monetizing as much as possible your existing traffic sources -- we will also talk about how good biz ethics and professionalism actually help in the long-run of building trading (and buying/selling) relationships.

We look forward to you joining us!
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