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Old 09-01-2004, 05:47 PM   #19
Azure Sales
Azure Sales should edit this
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Originally posted by PeerPatrick
More than likely the contract will not specify Mobile but that does not preclude usage for mobile. We send our mobile content from a website through normal channels then it crosses over to the Cell networks for delivery. As far as I can tell that means it's standard delivery online but it never hurts to request a contract addendum or something writing. Not that there are bad folk in this industry but just to be safe...

Hit me on ICQ if you have any questions concerning mobile delivery, that's what we do.

Okay - here is what my lawyers say - This is a new right, if you did not include it in your orginal licensing agreement then and you use it for wireless regardless if it was purchased on a website its about the end use, you will be infringing on copyright and can be sued.

I think its a great new market and a great new income source but as a content producer if I licensed you to deliver my content on your website and I find that you are delivering it to cell phones as well I will not be a happy content provider.....

I know this is kinda stickey area - but bottom line is its about where its delivered to not where its bought from when it comes to content licensing....

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