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Old 09-01-2004, 07:55 PM   #3
modF should edit this
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One thing I would like to see, more radio shows after 6pm EST. It seems that most of the shows I would want to check out, take place at 3 pm or Noon, or 4 pm EST. Well during that time, I'm either running around doing a ton of different tasks, or attempting to finish projects up, or trying to get home. I think a large number of people in this business are part timers, who would benefit from a show at night time. Just take a look at the boards, they seem much busier during the evening to me.

Another thing that bugs the hell out of me, is when there is a topic going on, and out of no where, a totally random outsourcing post pops in there. Ok, we KNOW that you work for a dollar a day, we have all heard it before. It does not need to be pounded into our heads 12 times daily.

Ok, I feel better now.
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