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Old 09-01-2004, 08:47 PM   #11
GoodChris is not gay like EVIL Chris
Chris X
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I think the industry is maturing quite fine right now. Alot of the waste is being thrown out which means alot of the BS will be gone.

As well though, I think content producers need to be more innovative and program owners need to be more considerate to their customers. Spam, popups, spyware to entice people in is ruining things and it needs to go away.

Make a legitimate product, market it, sell it at a fair price, keep your customers happy...

As for radio show, I only listen when I'm one of the guest speakers
Hit me up for Graphic design and webmastering.

ICQ 12531824
MSN chrisbegin at hotmail dot com

(same email address as well)

I'm not Easy, but sometimes I get tricked
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