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Old 09-02-2004, 04:10 AM   #18
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Well Dr. Funbrunette , (snuggling up with Buddy and Casey), let me get my thoughts together here a second...

I like the suggestion someone else made about the radio shows being scheduled for a later time. I know that some shows were designed to be carefree and a "break in the day", but quite frankly, I've got too much to do in one day to listen to fluff. Some of them are just the voice version of message boards. Not a whole lot of substance to them. I enjoy the fluff and goofiness from time to time too, but at least give us a reason to break from our day and tune in. Time is money. There is nothing wrong with the fluff, just schedule it for a different time when we are most able to relax and actually appreciate it. I would tune in and listen to or read interviews about people in the industry. A sense of humor, mixed with a bit of gossip, combined with hard line questions that people tend to dance around or never come right out and ask.

I'm growing tired of articles and tutorials that may qualify as advanced, but they really aren't. Many of them are good at telling you what you need to do, but they leave out the why and the how. I know that people can not tell us step -by - step how certain things are done, because they would be cutting their own throats. I'm not asking for my hand to be held. I'm actually one of those people who loves to learn and who will actually try things on my own. It's more like people write theories, but they don't back their statements up. If people are going to write to educate others, then teach us something. I'm not the only one out there who can take a tiny bit of information and expand on it . Don't write a bunch of sentences, write something with some meat to it.

People do not take the time to actually read and listen anymore. Some people seriously need to improve their listening, reading, and comprehension skills. Why is everyone always in such a rush?

Appreciate those who are willing to help others. If someone is asking for advice, help, maybe just a little nudge in the right direction, then actually do something with the help you have received. Too many people expect others to make them wealthy and they don't take the time to actually help themselves. Only you can accomplish your goals. No one else can do it for you.

Someone made the statement that board owners should make it harder for people to become members. That's not an easy task to complete, if it can be done. It's up to board owners choosing the right mods and having an idea of what they want their board to be about. The philosophy of the board. Every board has it's own "feel" to it. Some are much more friendly than others. Some have more useful information than others. No two boards can be exactly the same. It's partly the moderators responsibility, along with the board owner(s), to help set the tone of the board and to keep the philosophy of the board in tact.

The maturity level seriously needs to rise in this industry. To call this industry of ours the "adult" industry, often seems like an oxymoron.

Our industry is in a state of change. I truly believe that there is still an obscene amount of money to be made in this industry. Working together, as opposed to competing against one another, is going to be vital to the future of our industry.

Ok, times up. It was nice snuggling with Buddy and Casey. Hugs to Dr. Funbrunette. We will have to do this again sometime.
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