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Old 09-02-2004, 12:45 PM   #21
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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I want to see something new.

I want to see something that's gonna knock my socks off. I want someone to show me something that's gonna make me say "holy shit". I want to see something that's gonna make me wish I had thought of it first.

The entire industry has become so wrapped up in politics that people are afraid to say what they really want to say. The fake drama is getting old. If you want to start drama, start it - Expose someone, provide proof, and slam their ass into the wall while we all cook up some popcorn.

Message Boards are just that - Message boards. And pretty much they are all the same. There's only four or five boards that matter to me (Obvoiusly X Nations being one of them), and the rest are just fluff. When is someone gonna take a message board to the next level?

And everyone in the industry copies everyone else.

End Rant.
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