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Old 09-02-2004, 03:41 PM   #27
Dwreck should edit this
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How lazy webmasters are. I tell them how to make certain programs work and they are like ok sigh me up. Im like too sigh you up Im going to need all your cotact info and thier is some question that only you can anserw. YOu are going to have to yourself.They get all huffy puffy. And either dont reply or dont sigh up. I know for a fact of a few programs offer high payouts beucase it's like pulling teeth to get webmasters to change thier links.

And how much red tape their is to get anything done with a program. TO talk to an owner or theperson in charge is like such an elite thng to do Sales reps protect thier owners contact info with thier life.Like im not going to spam. Relax

How hard it is to get a temp user/pass to a paysite to see if your traffic would work well with them. I work in the biz I see porn all day im not goign to burn a ton of bandwidth. RELAX.

Ok im done for now.
Derek*Dwreck* Smout
Head of Sales and Marketing
ICQ 165-976-549
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