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Old 09-04-2004, 03:05 PM   #11
monaro should edit this Edit
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Hey there splatshed, have you found what your chasing?
I am sure that there are alot of sponsors out there and alot of them are run by members of Xnations..

If your looking for this as a main sponsor then I feel the best choise is from your
own heart. Go with what you feel best in yourself..


If your looking to make up a list of sponsors that have just that. eg
"SHG's with text descriptions" then i could lend a hand, i know of a few.

BTW mate, if you do make up the list, put your refer code onto it, and generate
it into html because i peronaly havnt seen a site with only just that.

Originally posted by splatshed
Thabnks for all the feed back and keem them coming! I will be putting together a list for all the ones I get. And I will post it so everyone will have the list!
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