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Old 09-08-2004, 05:42 AM   #1
Don Soporno
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Default Droppin off the cock

Ok so a long time female friend of ours calls and says her car is broke down, not being fixed till thursday and she hasnt been able to get in touch with her parents to come take her to get something to eat. Normally for anyone else I would have just said order a fucking pizza but she helped us out alot when my wife was in the hospital having the second kid plus it would give me a few minutes out of the house. So I get her order and last thing she says is she left the door unlocked so just come on in when I get there. So I leave, go by KFC and pick up some chicken for her and head to her house. Now me and this chick are always pickin on each other so when I get there I just walk on in and yell "Hey baby, Im here to drop off the cock, where you at?" I step into the living room and there she sits, on the couch, with her mother.....her father...her sister and sisters 2 kids....AND HER GRANDMOTHER...
The reason she couldnt get any of them on the phone was they were all on there way to come take her out to dinner for her birthday which is next weekend. Her and her mom both got kinda red faced, Her dad was laughing his ass off cause he saw the bag from KFC in my hand and got the joke, the kids were oblivious to anything and grandma seemed kinda interested, so I dropped off the cock and bolted...
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