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Old 09-10-2004, 12:09 PM   #4
monaro should edit this Edit
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G'day tina,

Tho after reading your product on your site, I feel that there
is a very strong chance that you are on a winner if you havnt
already noticed this already.
(my guess is your company has noticed)
As for your product, I read that it is a natural pill for the body
and works. Yes?
Its great that you already know your market. Is your company
running their own affiliate site? or some sort of rev share plan already
worked out? If you havnt or ready or planing on going down that
path, you could happen to speak with the owner of the
highly respectable company "TabooRevenue"
in which I had learnt about from Ynot Radio I believe that they offer
efficient affiliate software/s and affiliate I think.
Truthfully tho, I can not answer for them.

Have a great day!
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