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Old 10-22-2002, 05:24 PM   #11
Bree should edit this
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Originally posted by Darin

Curious.. even more now looking at the poll results. Is god taboo or something? Why nobody is posting to this thread. Interesting.
okay here's my 2 cents for what it's worth...

I've said this before...

Religion is like a form of B&D.. just consider most songs, chants, etc..

You are Lord
You are the Only One
I will do as you wish
Your will is mine
I am unworthy but only say the word and I shall be yours

etc etc...

Man made words.. "inspired" by God....

I do believe in a higher power. However, I don't pretend to understand that higher power.

I think people feel safety in numbers. It is easier to express your opinion if that opinion is shared by a group... easier to oppress others and wag your finger at those you think are wrong.
Easier to be a martyr.

There is for some people, comfort and security in the "known." By establishing rituals, group events, and such you establish routine.. safe, known guidelines and morals... The responsibility of knowing God is shared and one can blindly follow along.

It's much more challenging to question what is presented as fact. To determine what God is on a more personal basis as opposed to group thought.

I go to church on occasion. But I don't need to be in church to converse with my God. I don't need a priest to act as my conduit to a higer power.

The way I treat my neighbors, friends, and family are part of my personal relationship with my God. I may not tithe at every Sunday's offereing b/c I believe that helping people in my life is just as important. When a fellow instructor's parents died and he had to fly back to Uganda, I sent a donation to help with expenses..... When my daughter asks for money to go on a field trip, I send two or three times that amount to pay for the kids who don't have money ... so everyone can go.

The Bible has many authors from many different cultures and periods. Is it the word of God? I dunno.. It was inspired writing... written from the heart no doubt...

Bottom line I think is how you live your life, how you love your family and friends, how you treat others.. how you treat yourself!!

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