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Old 09-12-2004, 04:25 AM   #1
Mister X
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Default PECash is definitely gone

As of now the PECash.com website is still there. However store.sex-superstore is not up. And if you go to sex-superstore.com you are at something called Lifestyle Lounge. A couple of the links on the front page still point to lifestylelounge.com which is the same site.

So if you use these guys change your links asap and pray that you get paid what they owe you.

Fuckers! I was already a bit suspicious from seeing the available titles dropping steadily over the last while. Looks like the pricks used their affiliates to help them get rid of as much stock as possible before they gave them the big shaft. I'm sure that as soon as they think of it the will redirect store.sex-superstore.com and redirect the 404s so they can steal traffic from anybody that hasn't checked their store links lately.
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