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Old 09-13-2004, 08:35 AM   #7
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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Personally I think that a crackdown will happen one of these days and the "herbal" sites will get smacked down. And I have ethical reasons for not promoting any of them.

I'm not saying that your site does or doesn't do it, but many/most of these sites do not even list the ingredients that are in these things. Even if it's all natural herbal goodness people with allergies could be seriously harmed by taking something that they don't know they are taking.

I have serious problems with the entire herbal industry and not just the dick hardener websites. They make claims that are not backed up by reputable testing and there is little or no federal oversight or quality control. Most of the actual manufacturing is handed off to factories in different states, Mexico, etc.

If a product claims to do what a prescription drug does, or really does do it, I don't see why it shouldn't be covered by the same rules that apply to those drugs. These products claim to make changes in the way your body functions just like prescription drugs. That's not the same as marketing a creme to rub on your dick to make it stay hard. Worst case scenario for the creme is you get a rash. Worst case scenario for the pill is you die. Scary.

Just my 2 cents.
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