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Old 09-17-2004, 09:56 PM   #1
biznatch should edit this
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Default domains for sale - new idea - not a new market


new here so i will say hi, see a lot of familiars here, cheers all..

I bought these 3 domains 9 months ago and totally forgot about them, since at the time there was no product for them, after i bought them i built 30 free hosted sites (netfirms) and seo'd them with the little seo skills i have or thought i had. anyways the free hosted sites dominate first page of yahoo for particular keywords and am now seeing a ton of sales since i did find a sponsor that does sell the products in question and linked them to them.

domains i have for sale are...


since in the last 9 months i have moved on from seo and am in other markets i have no interest in rebuilding new sites and seo'ing them so if someone is interested in these domain names i will sell them, on average i am currently making $400 every 2 weeks with the sponosr that sells BR-Pills

if you do a search on yahoo you will find my netfirms sites dominate first page for keyword searchs like "breast reduction pills" ect. also if you follow where my poges go to you will see a very nice site built by one of my associates "www.breastperfection.com" which if you are interested i can have hooked up to your sites you purchase from me if you like, converts great.

if interested make me an offer to performance-seo@telus.net

would also like to mention this is an untapped market with tons of potential, not a saturated market at all, currently i think it is myself and one other pushing these pills on the market, but i may be wrong.
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