Something I would like to share with my friends here at Xnations
These resources I have arranged to share with you are the resources
that I use when launching a website and I would like to share my
advanced website promotion strategies=)
First I would like to talk about preliminary resources;
This process is for doing basic market research to determine if there is
a market and interest for a product or services on the internet. it helps
to avoid mistakes in trying to sell something for which there is little or
no demand for int he first place.
The Internet is probably the most powerful marketing tool in the history
of business, however… it is not by any means magic, and there are
some things marketing problems that the internet simply can't fix.
I find that these are;
Insufficient or non-existent demand... this means that regardless of what you sell, whether it be product, service, or information, if there are few or no people buying it, then the internet cannot fix that! the internet can help you get your message (your website, everyone has some right?) in front of people who are already looking for what you have, if nobody is looking, your website will not get found, alot of the time this is what happens without a solid plan.
Insufficient profit margin... this means that if the markup on your
products or services are not adequate, and don't allow you to pay your
overheedd and marketing and still generate enough profit to make the endeavor worth your time and effort, the internet will not fix that problem either, it may help you make sales... but breaking even is not the point right?
Research one specific product, product line, or service at a time..
you can't use market research to tell you what to sell, you use market research once you have an idea for what you might like to sell, to tell you if it is viable or not.
I know it is very hard sometimes to do so, but you must detach your
emotions.. one of the biggest problems I have and i am sure alot of
small business owners experience is becoming emotionally attached to
their product... for whatever reasons, business owners can develop
an attachment to their product or service that blinds them to reality.
Perhaps it is a product they invented, or a book they have written, whatever the case, as you do and analyze your market research you
must be calculating and dispassionate and able to make a judgment
based on logic and facts... not hope and emotions.
When analyzing your competitors, try to understand that the point of
analyzing competitors is to determine if there is demand for what you sell. Ask yourself is there an existence of competitors is the primary
indicator of market demand. some merchants are intimidated by the
existence of competition, don't be. Most competitors on the internet
don't know how to effectively promote their website... you ll do right? That gives you a competitive advantage, regardless of how much
competition you have.
Remember the more competition you have, the better.
As you do your market research write down everything you learn, or start a txt doc and record it this way. I find that I can type quicker than
i can write. lol and i don't have spell checker on my hand written notes
and sometimes i can not read what i have written a week ago. =(
Anyway his will allow you to review your data all at once, and will help
you make a clear analysis.
I always ask myself and i kindof just write yes or no, but sometimes
make notes on what it can do for me. eg...
· Are people really searching for what I sell?
· Am I excited about the number of searches?
· Was I able to find competitors easily using Google?
· Were there more competitors that I didn't look at?
· Was I surprised by how many competitors there were?
· Was I excited about the market after looking at competing sites?
· Did competing sites look evolved and mature?
· Did I get the impression that competing sites were making sales?
· Did I get ideas for my website from analyzing competitors?
· Did Alexa reveal that my competitors have traffic?
· Am I excited about the market given my competitors traffic?
· Am I confident I can generate similar or better traffic by promoting?
· Were competitors bidding on Overture?
· Was I surprised at how high bids were for mainstream keywords?
· Was I able to find some fringe keywords with low or no bids?
· Am I comfortable that my margin is adequate?
· Am I confident that there is indeed a market?
· Am I excited to get started with this product right away?
I wipe my head i have a few more, but they not related to the topic
so i will keep them, aside.
Looking forward in working with you and have a great day