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Old 09-20-2004, 04:45 AM   #3
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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Could be very bad news for the whole California porn industry.

The companies received citations for violating the state's blood borne pathogen standard, a regulation that requires employers to protect workers exposed to blood or bodily fluids on the job. The companies have 15 days to appeal the eight citations. They wouldn't even be able to shoot girl/girl without latex shields. Not exactly sexy looking material.

"What this means is that any employer whose workers are exposed to any potentially infectious material, such as semen or vaginal fluids, must follow state regulations covering workplaces," said Susan Gard, a spokeswoman for Cal-OSHA, which issued the sanctions Wednesday. "Any bodily fluid is considered infectious. That means barrier equipment must be used."
From that it would seem that no condom sex is now going to be punishable by heavy fines in California porn shoots. And the way that is written it seems to mean no BJ or pussy licking without latex between genitals and tongue either.

I guess it was bound to happen eventually but it may end up doing more harm than good. If it pushes most of the porn industry out of califonia they will no longer be under the thumb of some of the questionable people in charge of "regulating" things out there. That would be good. BUT they will probably be moving to a someplace with no real regulation and nothing like AIM. Flawed and crooked as it is it's better than nothing.
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