09-21-2004, 05:02 PM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
Posts: 4,780
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Originally posted by wildstuff
Sorry if I offended people by offering to trade traffic. Some people should get over themselves and there importance.
There's proper ways to go about things and if you wanted to trade traffic, you should ask directly through private messages, ICQ, or whatever. Common rule amongst adult message boards, is not to post other board URL's without permission, especially when it's the first post on the board. It's called common courtesy. I'm not sure if you posted this post on any other adult webmaster boards, but I can assure you, some of the boards would have been a lot more harsh and negative towards you.
I'm sorry if you feel certain people and/or XNations is high on themselves. If you actually take the time to participate on XNations and follow common board etiquette, you would realize we are one of the few boards where ego's don't play a role.