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Old 09-28-2004, 07:13 AM   #1
Adina should edit this
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Default To ALL UK Webmasters - Your Input Urgently Required

Tottycash are putting the wants and needs of UK webmasters first. We are developing many great new promotion tools and options and would greatly appreciate your input as we prepare a Full Scale re-launch!

1) Do you use sponsor hosted galleries? (photo movie both)
2) What have been your favourite/top converting niches to promote?
3) What niches would you like Tottycash to add? / Which of the following would you most like to be added?
4) Do you promote other programs that have UK themed sites?
5) Would you like to promote good UK themed reality sites?
6) Would you take advantage of our free hosting to help promote our sites?
7) Would you use our free content for gallery building?
8) Do you mostly promote the dialer or credit card options?
9) Did you know you can now offer your visitors a free 30 minutes member zone access and 10 minutes worth of live show?
10) What are your preferred payment methods?
11) We have many surfer billing options and are working on more; where are you promotions primarily focused? (list countries please!)
12) What billing options would you like to offer your visitors?
13) Would you prefer webmaster payouts in British Pounds?
14) How do you prefer to get paid? (IE Monthly Bi-Monthly Weekly)
15) Would you make use of a Tottycash Webmaster board?
16) What incentives would you find most encourages further promotion? (bonuses prizes content)
17) Do you make use of other programs point systems?

Please list any further things you'd look for from your ideal UK sponsor.

If you need anything else please contact me at on my email adina@eurodialer.com or by icq: 210-780-164
Thanx for your collaboration

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