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Old 10-01-2004, 12:36 PM   #5
Torn Rose
Torn Rose should edit this
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I'm a diehard Best Buy guy, but I have no reason to be, I've had so many "issues" with the staff at the one I use to go to in Indiana, but yet I kept going back.

I had a guy tell me that a .jpg was a movie and when I told him no, a movie is an mpeg and he got all crappy with me.

This is one of many stories I have from them. I spent $10k in less then 2 years there and had so many bad experiences but I STILL WENT BACK....

ho hum....

I’m one of those shoppers that I want to be left alone, let me look, compare, and think and if I have any question I will ask.

ICQ # 123278082
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