As I said in ICQ, I've yet to install SP2 myself... Kinda like Big Fish said... lol
My thoughts are just speculation so take them with a grain of salt...
Market mixes are like flowing water, the consumers will always find a path to reach their desired products. Those companies that are quick at digging a ditch will collect some returns just as those that spend more time digging a deeper ditch will eventually siphon off a larger share.
To my knowledge, the Flash workaround has been used by many folks for quite some time and it is about the lowest barriers to entry hurdle for those not looking for a more technical solution. The DMR route is somewhat low as well but I've not heard as many folks talking about it. Not sure if it's because they are unaware or they are just keeping it under their hat.
Between processing and market tool shifts, I feel we are finally seeing the barriers to entry being raised in the adult arena...
(sorry for the edit, fat fingered the tab enter
Last edited by XXXPhoto; 10-01-2004 at 01:38 PM.