I have it installed and highly recommend that every webmaster gets it installed asap for two reasons:
1) it patches up bootloads of holes
2) it is being forced on your surfers machines
you may be able to live without the patching, but believe me xpsp2 behaves differently and if you do not install it you will not be able to browse your sites as your clients do.
my little story on this, after installing sp2 I checked out a few of my own free sites and found that with the new popup and script blockers, it was IMPOSSIBLE for a surfer to get to my sponsor site. It was a very minor change that I had to do and once I did it I saw an immedite increase in my click-throughs and my overall sales.
But the most important thing is that I would not have known about this unless I installed sp2 myself!
Like Bec mentioned with her javascript rollovers, if a surfer goes to your site and starts getting warnings like mad they will go away and never come back - which is lost traffic and sales for you - all because you did not install sp2 and surf your own sites!!!