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Old 10-23-2002, 05:11 PM   #36
Hashishan should edit this
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*i am an anti-religious person, and hereafter will refer to God as Dog*

silly question:
why do people think creation and evolution are incompatible? how long is a day for Dog? 24 hours, millions of years? i have asked the fat guy passing around the collection plate. he didnt know

another silly question:
is it possible that there are people in the world who are so screwed up, the only way that you can get them to be nice is to threaten those people with being burned alive for eternity? if Dog loves you will it burn you alive for being its own flawed creation?

if there is a Dog, he is a dick. if there is a hell i want to go there. i mean, if you are stuck there and it is really hot its not like you have a choice right? get over it and start fryin

see you in church on sunday (not)

(if anyone is offended by this: i am simply airing my views. if my views anger you because they do not match your own, perhaps you need to re-evaluate yourself as a person)
dont look here
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