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Old 10-04-2004, 02:35 PM   #3
Torn Rose
Torn Rose should edit this
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I use to live north of Seattle and we went back for a visit in June 2003, we drove down to Portland to visit friends and on the way back to Seattle we stopped to see Mt St Helens.

We was in the PNW for over a week, and it was 100F and clear/sunny and not a drop of rain, the day we stop to see Mt St Helens it was over cast and rainy. So we did not get to see much of the mountain, but on the flight out I took some great pictures from the airplane of it.

I'll look and see if I can find them and post a few.

I had this cam bookmarked for a year and then they shut it down before our visit and said they was replacing it but they never did after a few months so I deleted it, thanks for sharing!

ICQ # 123278082
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