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Old 10-05-2004, 07:51 PM   #2
Adult Site Traffic
Adult Site Traffic should edit this
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As an anime/hentai/manga promoter and paysite owner, first I'd like to raise the question how anyone searching for a Disney character would find your site ?

Now, while I realize that some unscrupulous webmasters would be using keywords that can attract what those of us professionals would never want on our sites (which sadly happens with any niche) for a hundred different reasons, someone searching for Mickey Mouse would never find my site by a google search. Not only that, but if the parents were as educated about the Internet and content as I am (and I am a parent), their family's/children's computers would be protected from even loading the site(s) with the raunchy keywords that I love to use.

Second, when we launched the [toon] site back when we used ccBill, we all had a roaring good time when they demanded that we link to the 2257 statement for the content. Of course with that said we were forced to do just that or not get processing, but nonetheless it was somewhere less than valid to even link to 2257 verbage.

On that thought I (not being a legal professional) cannot ever foresee the point in time where a 2257 could be required or even validated for art. That falls under the form of mind police and it just isn't going to happen folks [I feel]. There are far bigger fish out here to fry like extreme bondage, fisting, pissing and worse [than dirty cartoons]. (Which incidentally was the first form of erotica put on to paper [or stone] ).

On the subject of some of the arts "implied age" material, well, there has to be a point where you, as an owner, say yes or no. Again, mind police.

That folks, is one man's opinion


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