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Old 10-24-2002, 12:35 AM   #43
Raya should edit this
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Never thought I would see this as a thread. But I'm glad.
I'm also glad to see a lot of honest responses to the question too.
I'm Pagan.
On my way to my first convention last year I was told to not wear my goddess pendant. I asked why, I was told some people might not be able to deal with it. I responded that if I could wear it when I worked in one of the most uptight conservative institutions a bank (Art department) around all those blue suits. That if I had to hide it at the convention well... I wore it. No one ever said anything negative. I found people responded with curiosity, and compliments some just smiled.

I was raised Roman Catholic, had a part of my family become witnesses, I was intensely exposed to that for 4 years, a group of very close friends have covered almost all the other major faiths. Let's just say I have had a smattering of exposure to many different religious ideas and teachings. I chose my faith, I believe everyone has the right to choose for themselves. I don't preach my beliefs but if someone asks me questions I will answer them.
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