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Old 10-09-2004, 07:40 PM   #11
Feynman should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by AudreyLive
That was a very interesting post Feynman! Thank you very much!

I don't know a lot of things about inflation, but I think I will began to do some research!

I understand when you say that this will punish prudent people... but what I don't get is what is the link between inflation and dictature? If prudent people are punished, government has more power? The government won't be punish as well? I mean... if their money worth less... it is not good for them?

Anyway... I hope you will understand me... sorry for my english
By prudent people, I mean people who save money. Saving money is useless nowadays, because it devaluates so rapidly that it looses it's purchasing power.

People who tightened their belt, deferred pleasure in order to save, to not be a load for society see themselves defrauded, cleaned out by those who do not want to work or those who add no tangible value to the world but only manipulate and speculate on money.

These poeople will get angry. Dictatorship will happen when the Looters will want to have their luxury at the conspicusous expense of the producers. Witness USSR, Irak, and every other dictatures. Communism is the alledgedly great ideological principle that makes that possible, makes the bitter pill easier to swallow.

Make friend of Chinese people freshly arrived from china and ask them how it is to live there. They don't even have the right to go live in another city / town / village.

And of course, the ultimate turn-on of dictator is power....

Read history books, from Ancient China (who started the first non-treasury money system, i.e. fiat currency, i.e. money not backed by tangible assets). History repeats itself ineluctably because Human Nature never changes...
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