Originally posted by monaro
Lastly I would like to ask Feynman please. What can the general public do?
Fuck-all. We are peons.
Buy gold. Don't expect it to appreciate, this is not an investment, it's a hedge protecting you from govt's inflating the currency.
Gold demand will grow, so it might in the long run turn into an investment. I dunno how the Oz currency fluctuates.
Do you wonder why they are making it difficult to own guns in all anglo-saxon countries ?
Again and again, it's been proven that any type of prohibition on guns or weapons increases the violence to which the population is subjected. But the politicos fear for their own butts when the world financial house of card will collapse.
One ounce of gold used to buy about 300 loafs of bread 2000 years before Christ. It still does, more or less.