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Thread: NFL fans?
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Old 10-10-2004, 04:57 PM   #2
Torn Rose
Torn Rose should edit this
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Colts and Bucs have always been my favorite teams, but I am not pleased with what the Bucs have done to a great defensive unit so I'm more for the Colts. In fact what they are doing reminds me of the Colts back in the 90’s.

I was a diehard Colts fan until the mid 90's by the way they let good players go, hired 2 horrible coaches in a row and the dumb ass shit they did during the draft totally turned me off. But now they have Dungy and a new GM and are keeping the right people I am slowly getting back to the "die hard" status I once had for them.

What made you a Colts fan?

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