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Old 10-11-2004, 05:21 PM   #21
monaro should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by sweet7
by the looks of that pic the race sounds like it's gonna be fun!

At Mount Panorama on the South West outskirts of Bathurst, 210km west of Sydney along the Great Western Highway, approximately three hours drive. Circuit Length 6.2 km.

The race was my highlight of the whole week
and won by the #15 Holden K-Mart Commodore

Originally posted by blazi
milk thistle tablets are good I hear for hangovers
Never heard of milk thistle tablets before. What do you do with them?
before or after the stop off at the bottlo?

Originally posted by Evil Chris
Yeah I've heard that too. I usually just drink as much water as I can before going to sleep.
I hope you don't have too bad a hangover monaro, and don't forget to feed your best friend!
The hangover left early Sunday morning and I didnt forget to feed
george. He ended up getting a couple of steaks, one in the morning,
and one with a y-bone in it, in the arvo.. Well he eats pretty well as I
feed him steak or chicken every day, along with boiled rice, cooked
pasta and vegetables.


Thruma Sugar and water hey? How about icy cold coke?
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