X Nations - View Single Post - i am looking for moderators
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Old 10-12-2004, 05:30 AM   #3
monaro should edit this Edit
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My answer is "No!" tho I can not answer NO without reason.

Over the past year and a bit of myself knowing of and joining XNations,
I have found that there are very interesting people here.
I care about different aspects of each person I interact with and look
forward to returning each day to read and respond if I am able too with
yourselves who are willing to open up and talk about your business,
your products and services, your favorite team, what makes you happy.

There are a lot of active people here at our board. I am influenced in a
sort of informal learning experience by you Ladies and Gents of
XNations. Thank you for that, thank you for sharing. I am motivated by
making interpersonal connections with you, I first came to XNations
and found a feeling for opportunity to be a part of a group of wonderful
people. I will say it out loud, Members of Xnations are wonderful People.

A way to increase my own professional development as a XNation’s
moderator is to focus on the very tasks, and responsibilities of the
discussions to professionally filter out what is seen as not complying
with XNations and what XNations is about.

Sharing knowledge, creating a peaceful community and receiving
personal and professional recognition is not about being a moderator.
It is about defining your own reasons for wanting to be apart of such a
great board as XNations is that great board to develop a consistent level
of communication among group members.

Have a great day!

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