Panky, Monaro, thank you for your replies, im trying to find people exactly like you guys, that care about there business and people they do it with on a daily basis even if it is just chatting on a board. Your dedication to your boards and its members is very well noticed as i am sure it is equaly recieved by your members. All members of this board should feel safe and lucky in knowing the fact that the mods here are dedicated to you and maintaining the partnerships and friendships gained by this board. Cheers to admin and how you run your business, is a great motivator for someone like me who will soon be in your type of position and hope i have half the luck and good fortune that you have gained by running a good clean board.
I can clearly see the current moderators would like to stay with what they have which i respect 100% and am thankful for there replies. With that said i still do have 5 spots open and if any non-moderators are interested i would like to hear from you and create a dialogue with you and see what we can work out.
Many cheers
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