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Old 10-12-2004, 12:32 PM   #9
StuartD should edit this
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Originally posted by G.d
you said: "it just makes you look rather close minded and very much misinformed."

First off let's be honest. this guy posted this message for a specific reason, he knows that, you know that, and it isn't about "GAY RIGHTS".

Can we be real? Our is that tough to do in Canada and on this board??

YOU are closed minded to think that I am trying to convince anyone of anything. HOW IN THE WORLD IS BI-SEXUALITY CLOSE MINDED AND MISINFORMED?

Some the greatest figures in world history, pick any field, were bisexual, or had those tendencies but were too shunned and abused by their "lovers" to act on them. Most of the people you "buy" and "sell" here are that...


What in the world are you talking about now?

The fact of the matter is, you made out like being gay is a choice, that some kind of actions in their past is what influences their sexual preference.

Sure, a straight or a gay person could be bi-sexual... doesn't mean they have to be, or even could be. Some just can't... and has nothing to do with their past experiences.

And yes, it's tough for us to do in Canada. I guess we have a tough time with immediately attacking the entire mentality of a the collective consciousness of a country just because someone from that country has a differing opinion.

Why is it tough for us to do? Because we're not all childish.

You can be bi all you want, you can think what ever you want... it has no influence or effect and has absolutely no bearing on how someone else may be. Also, you don't know every single person's experiences in this world, and therefore are in no position to speak for them all as to what their sexual preference must be, or what their "choices" are.

Come back better educated... I'll talk to you then. Until then.... don't bother. Do what ever it is you do... but don't impose it on those of us who know better.
"If you are not going to heaven, why miss it by an inch?" - Sam Kinison
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