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Old 10-12-2004, 07:12 PM   #17
leedsfan should edit this
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Is it also true to say that the US is supposed to print bearers bonds for each and every note/coin created? Didn't this change shortly after the second world war, whereas befoe WW2 any money printed was supposed to be balanced against gold bars held in places like Fort Knox.

Doesn't this give the ability to completely destabilise the economy, because whenever they need more money, they just print a huge amount, and print bearers bonds to go with them. The major issue comes when otehr countries try to collect on debts outstanding from the US government, and consequently they get only what the currency is worth. Given the need to constantly keep the US dollar high in order to recoup on their investments (holding US $ in trust) they are forced into trading in us goods, to support the uS economy. One of the issues for Bush when going to war with Iraq, is that the Iraqi govenerment was about to switch to trading oil in euros, instead of dollars as they had traditionally been doing.This would have destabilised the US economy and led to the inevitable breakdown and recession that is coming. It was merely postponed by Bush. His push in Afghanistan was so he could prop his governments failing economy by supplying the world with opium. Since Bush went into Afghanistan Opium production has increased 1500%. So much for clrearing up the regime...lol
Allen Ingram
M Squared Productions
ICQ: 165105635
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