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Old 10-13-2004, 02:45 AM   #10
G.d should edit this
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EDUCATED ANSWERS/ see above for original Stu-ideas.

1. No I said and meant if you can't escape those first experiences, you have to resort to labels like GAY AND STRAIGHT, AND EVEN BI. "THE LAW OF SIN IS RESTRICTION" I call myself a "human", Stu. I never put labels on my main media or my thought patterns and don't care what you do or say about it. Truth is truth with or without you. I never attacked anyone personally either, but I think I'm getting warmed up now...

2. This may hurt many, but we are in a new Aeon, brothers. These terms and mental conditioning are from the Aeon of "The Dying God" i.e. Christianity. This is holding the whole world back. If you are exclusively Gay or Lesbian you are actually in the Aeon before that one, that of "Isis". Oh I know: Everything is "relative", right?

3. Of course I am not talking about all of Canada, I speak of certain recent events and actions with members that have transpired here, i.e. "TRIX ARE FOR KIDS". The parties involved know exactly what I mean. (I joined an American board last week and funny, none of that happened, just got a lot of friendly intros...)

4. Childish? It seems very childish to me for you to sit here and defend a post that you didn't create, and a post didn't have any "honest intention" in the least. Maybe you are his friend?

5. Stu, you sound very threatened, not un-like the "hetero" guys or "vanilla" girls who see my latest http://femdommecademy.com and can't "handle it" and freak out. And "bearing"? YOU WERE BEGOTTEN OF A MAN AND A WOMAN, it is by biological definition part of you, and your DNA coding. Your labels deny that, and make our beautiful varied sexual existence cheap: like cereal box logos. Uh, uh people may freak over THAT.

6. Go study the Greeks to start, it seems that you need sexual education Stu. Further references available upon request. Like HEQmedia.


Educated enough? Should I post my degress and resume?
<a href="http://heqmedia.com">HEQmedia</a>
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