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Old 10-13-2004, 09:44 AM   #20
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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I cant wait until tonight to see how bush can fuck up another kick at the cat. Im not sure how many foreign countries hes missed getting pissed at him, but the comment of drugs from Canada can kill you - is silly since our standards up here are the same if not better than USA.

With no apology forthcoming, Bush is still upset that Canada wouldnt join in on the war - hes a dictator, simple as that - but I fear is that he wont be going anywhere, that he will still be in power after reading on another board, someone who commented that if Israel losts its prime minister, will the King be assuming more responsibility - just like England, Spain and Canada.

Lovely, to some americans - Canada has a king. If they cant figure out 6th grade common sense, then how can they not figure out the truth about Bush?

Skype: robjameswarren

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