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Old 10-24-2002, 05:32 PM   #1
garry should edit this
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Exclamation We Will Pay Your Visa Signup Fees !!


Need I say more ? ¨

We normally do not spam boards. But we felt that this was such a big thing that we just had to let everyone know.
If you don't know what the mpa2 program is I will try to say so in a few words here now. MPA2 is a automation program for running Pay per signup, pay per unique and affiliate. It has all features you can dream of and then some !
How ever, what makes this one stand out from the crowd is that it is using cascading. This means that when a surfer comes to your site and want to join he will first come to a join form you host your self on your server, there he will fill in his info like name, address, email and so on (the program saves the email address for you, and automatically send out an email to the surfer if he leaves in the middle of the signup process, or his credit card gets declined by all 3 processors. Of course you can custom make this email to say what ever you like from with in your admin panel ! ). Then he will be taken to the first processor, all he have to fill in there are his CC number and the exp date. EVERYTHING else is automatically posted to the processor by the mpa2 program. IF your first processor decline his credit card, then he is automatically taken over to the next processor, all his info is posted there again by the mpa2 program, and all he have to fill in are his Credit card number and the exp date. If he is declined there to, then he goes over to the 3'rd processor. And if declined there as well, he will then go over to a new page where you can offer him to signup with Check, paypal OR dialer.
The mpa2 program tracks the CC signups, dialer minutes, paypal signups, check signups and of course the recurring.

EVERYONE we have installed the mpa2 program to is VERY happy. We have clients that have got more then 40% more signups because of the cascading. 13% of the signups where picket up by the last processor on the cascading. These are signups you normally would have lost!

I'm not going to write much more now, but its such a great program so I just have to mention a few of the features that are in there now.

- Total stats for admin and webmasters.
- You can use our design for the stats area, or design your own so it will look totally unique.
- Two Tier
- Picture of the day
- Gallery maker
- Gallery of the day
- Search for webmasters with a higher charge back ratio then ......
- Email list over your active and non active members and webmasters
- Follow me program
- Surfer behavior analyzer

So back to the big news again. Everyone knows that you now have to pay $750 for each processor you are using. Well if you buy OR rent the mpa2 program we at Mansion Productions will cover the Visa fees for you for the 3 processors used in the cascading. That means NO VISA FEES FOR YOU !

The MPA2 program works for Epoch, CCBill, PSW, Electra cash, No credit cards and PayPal!.

Want to see more ? Go to http://www.mansionproductions.com/mpa2.html or contact Garry at 888.261.9749 ICQ# 11564972
Attached Images
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Hosting, Design, Programing and the home of the MPA2 program http://www.mansionproductions.com
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