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Old 10-24-2002, 08:04 PM   #47
Danny_C should edit this
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It's arrogant to believe we're created in "God's" image. It's arrogant to believe we're here as part of some grand scheme. It's humble, in my opinion, to believe that we're just a part of the whole.

Someone mentioned that nobody ever went to hell for believing... that sounds a lot like Pascal's Wager... Basically, "better safe than sorry".

(Be sure the read the objections).
(More simply worded objections)

Everyone keeps saying they believe in a higher power... although they don't know what that is. It was also said that evolution is doubtful because it hasn't been reproduced in labs. I'm sorry, but science has a good idea of the answers. Because they're still working on the details doesn't mean the answers aren't there, or that we're not heading in the right direction.

The universe is a giant mass of evolving and expanding matter and energy, and we're just a part of that mass... constantly evolving, adapting, and creating. I don't think that's a hard pill to swallow. We don't die when we go away... we're still a part of the universe.

It's ridiculous to think that somebody just waved a wand or jiggled his nose and we appeared. It's ridiculous to think that there's some guiding force apart from ourselves. You could say that the sum of the parts (the universe as a whole) takes on a consciousness of its own... and I don't think that's a ridiculous thing to lean your beliefs toward... but that's not God.
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