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Old 10-20-2004, 04:10 PM   #16
BBWNina should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: NY
Posts: 7
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I wanted to update everyone on the situation.
We came to an agreement that he would pay xx amount of dollars for the content he has been using illegally. He said he would mail it on Friday (this past Friday) Friday came and he didnt mail it and he said he would pay it on Mondy via Ikobo. Monday came and he told me Ikobo wouldn't accept his credit card and he said he was sending it through bank transfer, got my bank info and said it was sent and would take up to 2 days (this is what his bank told him) . He also told me he would email a copy of the receipt from the bank and didnt of course. Well, its 2 days later..and close of the bank day and NO MONEY...I've messaged him twice about this with no response (in invisible mode).
BBW Nina
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