LAJ I totally agree, I stopped going to certain boards since they are so "pro bush" it's sick. It use to be a fun place to go, talk shop, piss here and there and whatever, now it’s all politics all the time. Way way way old.
I'm all for freedom of choice and the right to express an opinion, but one certain rightwing nut has been non stop since June and all he does is copy/paste what he reads on right wing sites and what rush tells him to think.
The dumbass has been asked many times what HIS opinion is and what HE thinks and he has yet to answer. He blames EVERYTHING on Clinton and not those who put the leaders in power in the first place and has even gone as far as "wishing" he was like Al Quadia so he can kill all who do not agree with him.
Yesterday on another PORN message board I read a VERY right wing post, that the reasons this person hates Kerry is he is pro choice and against other right wing “moral” issues. If this person is working in porn and posting on a porn message board do they really believe in the rightwing “morals”?
Anyway, I will be voting Wednesday and I look forward to it. And I already have plans to hang with friends on Nov 2 to celebrate the end of the madness.

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