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Old 10-25-2002, 09:42 AM   #54
twinkley should edit this
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Danny C

One day, out of the blue, after no-one knows how long, a bunch of gases randomly interacted with space dust and
there was a big explosion (in the vaccuum of space) and thats how it all got started? Then, somehow, once our planet had formed and cooled, water appeared then, over millions of years one celled organizisms evolved (from the water?) which then evolved into bigger creatures (all different) which then evolved into even bigger, smarter creatures, and eventually the monkeys became us? And we will evolve into who knows what over another million years...

My question to this theory is where did the gasses and space debris come from to produce the big bang? How did sentient life come from non-sentient materials?

I know I cant prove that there is a higher power out there - that is faith. You are talking science and science is about proof. Until there is concrete proof of what really happened, and answer all the questions, everyone will continue to believe whatever makes them happiest

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