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Thread: House hunting!
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Old 10-27-2004, 02:35 AM   #9
Feynman should edit this Edit
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nanda. Taxes are horrendous compared to the US. but there are ways... When you make over 250k, you can structure your things to pay virtually nothing. if you make less than that, you're in trouble

total taxes are over 50% if you earn, say, 65k. Plus a 15.5% tax on all goods that are not food.

OTOH, you'll have free (as in utterly shitty) medicare in Quebec, plus a large portion of meds paid. but that is if you become a QC resident, canadian citizen

All in all, the US, without Bush's Big Brother's outfit might be better.

It's a different kind of hell here.

But RevCan and especially the more voracious Revenue Quebec has a very hard time tracking internet businesses, unless you run in the millions. If you live a modest life, and keep your US corporation, and then go on vacation and incorporate in a tax haven (the ones which are on the OECD blacklist are better), then, you might accumulate wealth for your retirement. You might retire in ten years, or twenty, of five, it depends what you want out of life.

If you go to Ontario, the health care system is better.

Quebec has double govt, one provincial and the federal govt of Canada, so every double piece of red tape you have to pay double for, plus pay for the red tape to make the two pieces of red tape agree between each others.

When the money market bubble will collapse in the US, thanks to Uncle Greenspan, Canada will become the north american Poland.

No wonder they passed law for criminalizing the simple possession of guns. They did not start to disarm the population yet, but it will come.

Of course, the only reason they did that was for the politicos to protect themselves. While we look like a peaceful countries, and while they flout the "high crime rate" of the US, if you compare identical demographic regions, the US has less crime than Canada, particularly in the states where there is little restrictions on gun ownership.

when the shit hit the fan, which everyone "optimistic" denies, and it will start most likely with the Chinese and Japan and India selling US bonds (they plan to soon sell 100 B$), the eagle will dive, then the overinflated real eastate market will dive, then everything will dive. This was the historical fate of all systems running on phoney money (not gold-based) in the last 4000 years.

Then, Canada will follow. Most likely, Canada will get annexed to the US, as it was already claimed by the US around 1812 (?) under international maritime salvage laws, and the U.C.C. is already applied in our courts since 1980. this will all be Commerce, aka Admiralty law, aka maritime law, aka martial law, aka contract law, i.e. the larger form of law that is called Roman law. Forget your constitution. And as for us, we never had one, notwithstanding the lip service paid to that piece of asswiping paper they call the British North American Act and the new constitution of '82 (?) They are NOT constititions.

So, legally, we live under a stealth dictature, and so do you.

Wait until the economic crunch happens and you'll see those jack booted thug start to do ugly things to maintain their illusory standard.

The most frightening thing is that they believe that anyway, they'll all end up prematurely dead. So they'll loot with the idea that as long as it last their lifetime, they'll be OK.

I am not optimistic concerning the future of what once was the greatest nation on earth, the united states of America. You got all fucked since the thirties with the judgment "Tompkins vs Erie Railroad". This is when equity courts were dissolved and everything went under the U.C.C.

What's the link to Canada, or what i call derisively the Kollektive Komradship of Kanada? Well, when the US sneeze, we get a cold.

when you'll have problems, we'll get a friggin hard time. When you collapse, we'll die.

So, Canada might look nice for the time being, but we're sitting on the thin crust floating over an ocean of shit. IMHO.

If I were you, I'd come to Canada if Bush starts to raise hell, but I'd be looking for somewhere else too, less "civilised" Maybe south america...
Belize has English-style law. I dunno Costa Rica. I'd rather weather the hurricanes than be around in five years.

Unfortunately, I'll probably still be around...
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