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Old 10-25-2002, 10:33 AM   #55
Darin should edit this
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Now it's getting good

Twinkley... you are obviously not a believer in the big bang 'theory'. Remember now, it IS just a theory based on science as we know it today, science being based on facts... facts are only facts once we are aware of them...

We live in a world of facts... in our everyday life we go base everything we do on facts, do we not?

When you get up in the morning, you take a shower (we hope) cause you know if you don't, you will stink at work. Fact.. this fact was unknown I'm sure until someone started to stink. Now that we are aware of it, we take proper actions to avoid stinking, cause well.. it just stinks

Now.. you are driving... driving a car that wasn't grown, or didn't just show up from the sky, it was built.. by humans, humans designing the car based on 'facts', that they have learned over the years of car making..

You're in the office.. poor your coffee... cause you know.. the chemicals inside that coffee make you feel like you are awake, compared to how you feel when you just woke up. This is a fact you learned, after trying coffee.. or.. you could have believed based on other peoples experiences, and then just made the plunge and tried coffee yourself..

Everything around us.. and what we do everyday, is based on 'facts' which we have learned over time. Not all facts on this earth are known to us at this time.. and more importantly....

... not all facts can be found and understood with the knowledge we have TODAY...

In time.. own knowledge of the universe and everything else we don't know will be proven, explained, and then be called a 'fact' ... something everyone knows and understands then, like we all know and understand at some level now.

It's taken lifetimes for science to expand and be able to explain the things around us.. and it HAS... thats a fact nobody can deny...

So if science has proven itself, time and time again in human history, why not spend our lifetime extending that science, and move forward in our own lives knowing that whatever we can contribute to this great thing called 'science' in our lifetimes will benefit the next generation of kids who will be looking for even more answers.. answers to things we cannot even imagine in the world we live in today...

and I'll ask this question.. not being sarcastic, or unrespectful at all.. please don't take it the wrong way.. just a question...

... but why would you spend your life, a life based on facts, where everything you do, is based on facts, believing in something not based on fact?

You knock the big bang 'theory' because it has not been 100% proven, yet you 'believe' in something that doesn't exist.

Theory and Belief... both are unproven, both have been used for generations to 'explain' things...

I see no problem believing in GOD, or believing in SCIENCE...

However.. science is based on fact.. and since we live our daily lives based on facts around us.. why not work toward expanding those facts for the next generation...

Why worry about whats going to happen to YOU when you die, when there are more important things to take care of.. our kids...
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Last edited by Darin; 10-25-2002 at 11:44 AM.
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