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Old 10-25-2002, 10:51 AM   #58
Apollo should edit this
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science hasn't proven itself.

In fact it contradicts itself more often than proves itself.

The earth was flat until 600 years ago
Currently we believe we're the only people in the universe
Oh, and remember how the sun used to revolve around the earth?

Religion of course is worse...not knocking it but since this is a creation vs. evolution kind of thing ...and the creation theorum originally started with Christianity's beliefs I'll throw my rant in about them =)

- You're supposed to believe in the bible and it's teachings, because the bible tells you to

- If God is the all powerful and higher being that he is believed to be, how was he created? Does he have a god of his own?

- Dogma was a kickass movie

The key to wisdom is to acknowledge that you know nothing. It's as simple as that. Darin is right that our facts are based on what we know at the current time, but it's all subject to change. Same with religion...organized religions keep changing their ideas and teachings just as much as scientists do. I myself do not believe in a higher being of any type...I do however believe in an afterlife, or at least a different form of existance of our spirits or souls if you will.

I will always be one to question the "facts" of the scientific, and be skeptic of things that are mystic and require faith and trust. But the important thing is to be true to yourself....never conform.

Darin's gerbil agrees with me.
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